Sample App

The iOS sample app included with this project demonstrates how to correctly setup and use the SDK. The example app can be found under the Example directory. Follow the steps below to create your own sample app.

Edit Info.plist

  • Add the location permissions keys.



    Both are strings and should be set to something like: “Your location is used to let the station know what part of town you are in when you shout and to allow you to receive location-specific messages.”

  • Add the record audio key.


    Set to something like: “Your microphone is used to allow you to send audio to us.”

Import “STM.h” to the header of AppDelegate.h:


#import <STM.h>

Initialize STM SDK within didFinishLaunchingWithOptions in your AppDelegate.m


- (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:(NSDictionary *)launchOptions {

  // Initialize Shout To Me SDK, Replace with your Shout to Me token
  [STM initWithAccessToken:@"STM_ACCESS_TOKEN" andApplication:application andDelegate:self];

  // Optional, this will setup notifications from ShoutToMe (additional steps are required. See the Messages and Notifications section in documentation)
  [STM setupPushNotificationsWithAppId:@"PUSH_NOTIFICATION_APP_ID"];

  // Set your channel Id
  [STM setChannelId:@"CHANNEL_ID"];

  return YES;

You will now be able to use the Shout to Me SDK in your app.