Setting up the Shout to Me iOS SDK

The following describes how to set up your iOS project to use the Shout to Me iOS SDK.


  • A Shout to Me client access token
  • A Shout to Me channel ID
  • Xcode

iOS version requirement

The Shout to Me iOS SDK requires iOS 8.0 or greater.



The easiest way to install STM is to use CocoaPods. To do so, simply add the following line to your Podfile:

pod 'STM', '~> 0.2.1'

Manual Installation

The other way to install STM, is to drag and drop the Pod folder into your Xcode project. When you do so, check the “Copy items into destination group’s folder” box.

Client Access Token, Channel ID, and Push Notification App ID

Developers will need to get a client access token and a channel ID from Shout to Me in order to use this SDK. A client access token is used to authorize the client app in HTTP calls. The channel ID represents a Shout to Me channel which is linked to the broadcaster/podcaster’s account.

If you would like to enable your application to receive push notifications, you will also need to provide an APNs certificate and get a push notification app ID. This setting wires up the app to Shout to Me’s push notification system.

You will need to contact Shout to Me in order to get the client access token, channel ID and push notification app ID. Once you receive these items from Shout to Me, you can initialize the Shout to Me SDK within the didFinishLaunchingWithOptions function in your AppDelegate.m.


- (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:(NSDictionary *)launchOptions {

  // Initialize Shout To Me SDK, Replace with your Shout to Me token
  [STM initWithAccessToken:@"STM_ACCESS_TOKEN" andApplication:application andDelegate:self];

  // Optional, this will setup notifications from ShoutToMe (additional steps are required. See the Messages and Notifications section in documentation)
  [STM setupPushNotificationsWithAppId:@"PUSH_NOTIFICATION_APP_ID"];

  // Set your channel Id
  [STM setChannelId:@"CHANNEL_ID"];

  return YES;


Record Audio

Being that Shout to Me is an audio-based platform, this permission is considered required. Launching the recording overlay without the permission will result in a error response indicating that the record audio permission is denied.

Add the following to your Info.plist to request permission to record.


Set the value to something like: “Your microphone is used to allow you to send audio to us.”


Use of location functionality is optional in the Shout to Me platform. However, if location permission is enabled, the coordinates (lat/lon) of the person shouting are included with the Shout creation request and broadcasters will be able to see the location of the user. In addition, users will be enabled to receive geo-targeted messages from broadcasters.

To enable location permissions, add the following to your Info.plist.

NSLocationWhenInUseUsageDescription (For legacy iOS version support)
NSLocationAlwaysUsageDescription (For legacy iOS version support)

You should put descriptions that best describe all of your location usages, however, here are examples based on Shout to Me’s location usage:

For “when in use” location tracking: “We use this information to help us pinpoint your messages.”
For “always” location tracking: “We use this information to send you notifications based on your current location.”

You then need to request permission from the user to use their location. You can use your own location manager to do this or you can use the Shout to Me SDK Location Manager.

Here’s how to use the STM SDK Location Manager:

[[[STM location] locationManager] requestAlwaysAuthorization];

This will ask the user to use their location like so: Notification example

If you already have a location manager and want to use that. Inside of the didChangeAuthorizationStatus callback, call this Shout to Me method. You will get an error back if the authorization status isn’t kCLAuthorizationStatusAuthorizedAlways or the user has Location Services disabled.

- (void)locationManager:(CLLocationManager *)manager didChangeAuthorizationStatus:(CLAuthorizationStatus)status {
    if (status == kCLAuthorizationStatusAuthorizedAlways) {
        NSError *error;
       [[STM location] startWithError:&error];